FF TechSource: Why Google Plus is Good for Business ~ Koleksi Pribadi

Jumat, 14 Desember 2012

TechSource: Why Google Plus is Good for Business

TechSource: Why Google Plus is Good for Business

Why Google Plus is Good for Business

Posted: 13 Dec 2012 06:09 PM PST

We've covered Google Plus a lot in our previous articles. The social extension to the world's most popular search engine has seen tremendous growth in just a year after its launch. As of now Google Plus has over a 100 million active users and the number keeps on growing day by day. Unlike Facebook wherein the whole world is a customer, Google Plus is just starting out. The social service is just spreading its wings and it's not doing that bad. Of course, nothing beats a giant like Facebook; however, Google Plus is a palpable threat to Zuckerberg.

Google Plus, though lagging behind Facebook, has quickly become the hot choice for many brands. With big celebrities and leaders like Barack Obama and Dalai Lama using Google Plus Hangouts to interact with their fans and followers, G+ is something that cannot be ignored. Many brands are making the most out of the amazing features that this fledgling social network offers. Furthermore, the clean, ad-free interface appeals to every FB hater.

So, if you're a small business owner, and are on the fence about creating a G+ page for your brand, think again. We've listed below, the smartest ways you can use Google Plus to promote your business.

Google Plus Pages

Google Plus Pages is much like Facebook Pages. If you own a business, a website, or even a little book club, you can use this neat little feature to gain more exposure. You get a page for your business wherein you can post latest updates about your products and even interact with your customers and fans. Encourage your fans to write or talk about your products by posting shareable links on your G+ feed. This will help spread the word about your business. Additionally, you can share videos, photos, and other details about your business that will help new clients get to know your brand better.

As with any Google Plus account, you can add your customers, friends, and family in your Circles, and they, in turn, can add you back. Once you are in their circles, your updates will show up in their home feed.

The other advantage, which is not available to everyone yet, is that you can create vanity URLs for your brand. URLs like plus.google.com/+toyota or https://plus.google.com/+hughjackman help give your business a page that everyone can remember and can visit anytime.

 You may visit our Google Plus Page HERE.

Google Plus Events

If you are hosting a party or are revitalizing your business, Google Plus Events is a great feature. Functioning pretty much like Facebook Events, this feature lets you plan out almost anything whether your clients are or not in your circles. Compared to Facebook Events, its Google counterpart has one big advantage that it can sync with the trusted Google Calendar. This makes it easy for Android users as well as other Google Calendar users to look up and get reminded of those events easily. What's more, if your business has just started, you can even create an event for the launch and try and invite as many people as you can. 

Google Plus Hangouts

Google Plus Hangouts is one of the coolest features in Google Plus. This one lets you video chat with up to 10 people at once making it easier for you to connect with your clients. You can even host a business meeting with your employees using this feature. 

Google Plus Local

Google Plus Local is probably the most important feature for businesses. Once your business is on Google Plus Local listings, users will be allowed to review it. They will 'check in' to your business, write anything about it, and even post pictures of it. 

So, if your venture is good enough, make sure that you remind people who visit your shop, to check-in via Google Plus. Maybe a small banner, or a QR code will push customers to do that. Google Plus Local, if used to the fullest, can be very beneficial for your business, especially for gaining more local exposure.

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